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    Thursday, 16 October 2014


    (A must read for all singles)

    Hear me, whoever told you that a relationship isn’t important told you the biggest white lie straight from the pits of hell. Is keeping a relationship important? Of course YES! But is keeping a relationship compulsory? Naaa . . . . . DEFINITELY NO!

    I am a huge fan of relationships and healthy marriages, but if you are still single and reading through the words of this article I want you to know that your values has nothing to do with your relationship status, but has everything to do with a God who has made you whole, complete and lacking nothing . . . . . all while standing alone.

    You may see the stage of singleness as a bad thing, like if you’re somewhere around your 20’s and you are still single it is thought of as a curse or a setback. As a matter of fact there is probably no other stage of life that is wished away more than the stages of SINGLENESS and the torture of a TRAUMATIZED MARRIAGE. 
    For many, singleness is like a torn in the flesh, it is a time defined by longings, desires, quest for love, and so many foolish hopes. “I just want a boyfriend, someone that can be there for me, listen to all my worries, buy me things, take me partying, probably have s8x together, bla bla bla”, that is all there is to it, or is there anything more? And even if there where something more to it YOU CAN’T SEE IT! WHY? Because you are too blinded by loneliness . . . and the desperation for a relationship robs you of fore sights and reasoning.

    Please don’t be fooled into believing that you are incomplete without a mate, it is a fat lie. You are perfect, you are complete in every definition of the word. If you have stayed single and it hasn’t killed you yet then why hurry now? Be SINGLE AND PROUD! Love yourself first before seeking the love of another. Invest that time to discover and make yourself a better person for someone out there who God has destined for you. Be patient and let God prepare you for someone with his divine seal of approval. A relationship might be important, but trust me, it is DEFINITELY NOT COMPULSORY!

    BE SINGLE! . . . . . AND PROUD!
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