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    Thursday, 2 October 2014


    I was studying my Bible some time ago when I stumbled upon this revelation, and I have been battling with whether or not to share it with us on #TD . Please do not read this article if your faith in the Lord is weak, as what you are about to read will stagger your mentality, and give you a new dimension to the mystery of the lost paradise.
    For a million light years the church has being teaching us about how our grandparents; Adam and Eve; fell out of favor with the Lord in heaven, and how their disobedience cost them the beautiful garden of Eden.
    I do not want to bore you with all the details of how God commanded them in Gen 2:16 not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden, I want you to look with me from the part where the serpent came up to mother Eve to cajole her into eating of the tree. Gen 3 explains the whole logic behind our very human existence. A rib was taken out of the side of man and a woman was formed to be ‘his help-meet’, to love, defend and protect her at all times, but Adam failed in that responsibility, leaving his woman exposed to the dangers of falling.
    The serpent being more clever and subtle than any beast of the field, knew that if he had tried to tempt man it would have being a failed course, as man is strong, decisive and not easily broken, so instead he cleverly picked on one whose heart is as gentle, fragile as a snow ball, and easily deceived; EVE.
    Now this is where the story gets interesting, after the fall of the woman in Gen 3:6, in the middle of the excitement she took the fruit and speed off in search of her husband who was probably enjoying himself by the beach, so he can eat from it since she saw that the fruit was pleasant to the eyes and desired to make one wise. Alright, let us please pause here for a quick second, before now I used to say “com’on! Why blame Adam for also taking a bite of the fruit? I mean, there were a billion trees with succulent fruits in Eden, how could he have known that the one his beloved wife is presenting to him with a smile on her face is the exact one God has commanded him not to touch”. But then I realize in Gen 2:19 that Adam gave names to everything in the garden and he could very well remember them all by heart, so the young man knew what Eve was giving him, he has seen that his woman had taken a bit out of it, and as punishment she shall surely die (Gen 2:17).
    Then why didn’t he refuse eating of the fruit? Oh don’t blame him, there is only one word that can best describe it; “LOVE”. Adam didn’t want to lose the love of his life, he made a decision to die along with his woman as he took a bit out of that fruit, he knew perfectly well what he was getting into, his explicit love for a woman caused him to disobey God and lose a paradise specially decorated for him to dominate and enjoy. Hmmmm, no wonder God said “for the greatest of these is love”, HIS Majesty must have been baffled by the decision of man to pick his love for a woman over his obedience to him, oh what wonder!
    How many careless Adams do we have today? Men who have failed in their responsibility to guide and protect that whom God have given them to nurture.
    How many weak Eves do we have today? Women who lead their men away from God instead of becoming their biggest strength. OF WHOSE NATURE ARE YOU?

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