On sunday the 31st of august 2014 will always remain a memorable day indeed for the residence of malabor republic. It was a day that one of the so many business operators inside the main building of the students centre died in a very mysterious and questionable circumstance.
The middle age woman, who sells indomie (cooked indomie) to malabites and malabresses was found dead inside the student centre which left everybody speechless. those who ere quite familiar with the woman actually confirmed to this reporter that the late woman doesn't look healthy in the first place.
The painful inside attracted mammoth crowd to the student centre building, where the UNICAL chief security officer and the entire security team were on ground to evacuate the corpse of the late woman to e morgue. Those who were familiar with the woman said she was a peaceful person and easy going....
ofili ikechukwu
public admin. 300evel
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