During the time of the deadly Ebola outbreak, I wasn’t surprised to find the virus making headlines on every news media, status updates, tweets, and other fancy social networks, because as Nigerians we are always the last to know, yet the first to panic, call on our ancestors in the village, and alert loved ones to wake up at 2am and bath with salt water.
The funniest part of the rush what that people where more than willing to chew kuli kuli and chant “meta bunchy meta mutata ” 35 times while dancing naked around a mango tree if a chief priest confirms it as a cure for the disease.
But then I ask myself, are we not already plagued with a disease that is far more life threatening than the almighty Ebola virus? Or is there any other virus worse than the UNGODLY RELATIONSHIPS that young people keep in the name of love? I think not. Why then is no one taking caution? Why is no one bathing salt water in fear? Or am i seeking answers to that which we already know? Oh yes! We have gotten too comfortable with these poisonous relationships that even when we see a good one it is difficult to recognize. We have gotten so carried away by its temporary merits of lust, sex and tokens that we no longer fear the terrible drawbacks these Ebola infested relationship can bring to us.
Can’t we all see the symptoms of an Ebola relationship starring at us in the face? Can we not see that our men now date their WIVES and marry their GIRLFRIENDS in the name of ‘flexing’? Can we not see that our women now freely offer WIVELY services to their boyfriends without a penny paid as dowry? Can we not see that the rate of divorce has religiously increased as more couples are graduating from bad relationships into acidic marriages? Can’t we all see that young people are losing their connection with God because of the rotten activities clouding their relationships? Yet I see no one bathing with salt water and bitter kola. We have more single mothers than married women yet I see no one dancing “Willi Willi” around a coconut tree.
The problem with you is that you don’t want to be told that your relationship is bad; even when you know it is. You cry for a cure for Ebola while you relish in a relationship where your roots have long being infested by a parasitic partner.
Please help resurrect our generation from the demise of the loving companionship God has planned for us to enjoy.
GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if after six months you don’t know where it is leading! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if the only thing sustaining it is sex! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if it is making you lose your fellowship with God! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if your partner is not drawing you closer to heaven! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if her high demands is turning you into a debtor! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA RELATIONSHIP if you do not share the same long term goals and religious beliefs! GET OUT OF THAT EBOLA INFESTED RELATIONSHIP if the only gift he buys for you is abortion pills and condoms! DUST YOUR SHOES and FLEE!!!
You do not belong there!!
Great article, inspiring.